Collection: Lady Justice Statues

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Lady Justice Statues: The Personification of Law and Equity

Lady Justice, often identified with the Roman goddess Justitia, the Greek goddess Themis, or the Roman goddess Iustitia, is a popular figure in Western iconography. She represents the moral force in judicial systems, and her attributes personify the key virtues of justice. Statues and sculptures of Lady Justice serve as a prominent symbol of fairness, law, and order, often found adorning courthouses and legal institutions worldwide.

A typical Lady Justice statue portrays her as a stately woman, holding a set of scales in one hand and a double-edged sword in the other. The scales are a symbol of balance and the measure of evidence. They underscore the need for justice to weigh both sides of an argument equally and determine the truth. The sword signifies the power of reason and justice, which may be wielded either for or against any party.

One of the most distinct features of Lady Justice is her blindfold, though it is a later addition to her image and is not present in all representations. The blindfold stands for impartiality, the ideal that justice should be applied without favor or prejudice, regardless of identity, power, or weakness.

The craftsmanship in Lady Justice statues often focuses on the details of her instruments, the steadiness of her stance, and her calm yet authoritative facial expression. The figure is usually sculpted wearing flowing robes, often standing or seated in a position that emphasizes both her strength and her grace.

Regardless of their location, Lady Justice statues serve as a poignant reminder of the principles that underpin our legal systems. They are symbols of our collective commitment to uphold justice, fairness, and the rule of law. As such, they remain powerful icons, silently asserting the need for truth and justice in an ever-evolving world.